
Product design. Designing models and making drawings from sketches, taking measurements from existing samples of products and structures. We know how to design a product correctly

How can we be helpful?

For example, you need to design a piece of equipment or a complex product, perhaps with the prospect of making a sample for your own use. Or maybe you need it for further launch into production.

How we are working

Product design

Designing models and making drawings from sketches, taking measurements from existing samples of products and structures.

Equipment adaptation

Analysis of equipment and development of options for adapting the placed equipment. Coordination and development of documentation.

Collectability check

Checking the performance of all units of the product in the 3D modeling environment.

Creation of drawings

Preparation of drawings for technical specifications, adaptation of drawings to Russian standards, check of assembly

Localization of drawings

Adaptation of foreign-made drawings to Russian standards, translation according to GOST requirements, selection of Russian analogues of materials for production

Catalog and documentation

Creation of a catalog of manufactured products and collection of design documentation, preparation for ERP implementation

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