Preparing for ERP Implementation

To effectively manage a manufacturing enterprise, digital transformation is essential. However, it is impossible to digitize chaos, so first you need to put in order the business processes and the very nomenclature of the enterprise for the subsequent automation of work with it.


  • full control over the nomenclature produced by the plant;
  • collection of all information about the product in one place;
  • convenience and speed in calculating cost and cost;
  • preparation for ERP implementation.

About the service

What the cataloging of the enterprise's nomenclature consists of:

  • creation of logic of article numbers according to international standards;
  • assignment of article numbers;
  • collection of drawings, packaging instructions, technological maps in the catalog;
  • creation of a filterable table with hyperlinks to technical documentation;
  • creation of a platform for prompt calculation of the cost price and creation of commercial proposal.

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Take full advantage of the ERP system implementation and manage all work processes in your enterprise with comfort.